
Day in the Life - David Grade 12

Saint Andrew's 上学校 student David by lake


I arrive at school each morning around 8:10 am, just in time to park in the conveniently located senior lot and walk to class before the 8:15 bell. 当我到达时, I always run into some of my buddies and we catch up on the way to Andrews Hall for class.

A Period: IB Spanish HL Year 2

当我走进教室, I’m greeted by my fellow classmates and receive a genuine “Cómo estás David” from my teacher, 教授来自. 每个类, we learn about different cultural and historical aspects of the Spanish language and discuss a broad range of vocabulary to make connections with the world and bolster our language. 


接下来,咨询. Advisory is definitely one of my favorite parts of each day at Saint Andrew’s. Every grade is divided into roughly a dozen advisories, with about 13 kids in each one. 有时, if I have a big test coming up or some work I really need to get done, I’ll put these 40 minutes to use in that regard. 其他时间, 在星期二和星期五, we have Chapel and Assembly during advisory, to grow spiritually and build community, 分别. Our group has become so close after the last four years that outside of school, I often spend time with these friends, and we even had a barbeque one weekend where all of our families joined together for a home cooked meal. 


At Saint Andrew’s, the teachers and classmates make all the difference. A stellar example is in my period D Calculus class. 我的数学老师,Mr. McCullough, teaches us Calculus by hammering the “why” behind all the concepts we use. Instead of making us regurgitate the same information he provides in class, he proves nearly every concept we apply so we really understand the fundamentals and form a stronger base of the most essential advanced mathematics course. 


After my 5-minute transition period, I enter my psychology class, taught by Mr. Pettine, an IB teacher who has worked numerous years in both Thailand and Egypt. He studies psychology from biological, 认知, and sociocultural perspectives and employs this concept in structuring our curriculum, which is divided into 3 basic units, 每种方法一个. 虽然我不是IB学生, I love that Saint Andrew’s still allows me to take IB courses so I can embrace this more evaluative and analytical learning style for college and beyond. 


午餐本身就很棒. 还有沙拉吧, 每天吃披萨, 和三明治, in addition to the main entree of the day, there’s delicious food options for everyone, despite preferences and allergies. 一旦我坐下, I get an opportunity to meet students from other grades, 来自世界各地, 与朋友建立联系, and spend time with people in my grade that I don’t have any classes with, helping me develop skills to interact with all types of people and build on the lifelong friendships I’ve formed here.

G Period: IB Biology HL Year 1

After lunch, I make my way over to the science building for biology class. 不像大多数学校, who have their students take biology as freshmen, Saint Andrew’s usually expects their students to take biology as juniors or seniors, 这就给了. Campanero the confidence to dive deeper into the material, building on our existing knowledge in physics and chemistry. Since biology is part of our everyday lives, we often break from the structured schedule of class to explore connections between the information we’re learning and real-world scenarios, making each topic more digestible and relatable.


铃声一响, I spend 10 minutes in the Cohen Commons area making plans with friends and catching up before my 3:00 pm student council meeting. 每次会议, 代表, 类的总统, my student body vice president and I gather to discuss ideas to build community, 增强校风, 改善学生生活. 在我们富有成效的会议之后, I debrief with my fellow senior student council members on the way to the senior lot. 然后,我为我的运动训练. I’ve taken advantage of SA’s 独立的 study option for athletics to train for American Ninja Warrior. 在练习, I endure grueling training sessions with other elite ninjas, 不同年龄的, 来自世界各地, so I can improve strength and efficiency for my competitions.